They’re a little bit like underwhelming superhero names.
The Anxious Investor. The Compulsive Spender. The Cash Splasher, and his trusty sidekick, The Money Ostrich.
A quick google search will lead you down any number of rabbit holes to define your financial personality.
Clicking through an online quiz to pin down your money persona is a fun way to pass 10 minutes, but knowing how to apply that knowledge in real life – in your real life, with its unique variabilities, quirks and challenges? That’s a whole other issue.
It’s an issue that the team at Castle Trust will happily work through with you, from your goals for tomorrow right through to your plans for retirement.
“Please pop in to see us if you’d like some help to get your finances organised,” encourages Financial Adviser Anna-May Martin.
For some people, Anna-May says, that “help” might involve looking at just one issue on their list. For others, it’s attacking the whole list at once.
“We know it can be overwhelming. We get it. We deal with figures and plans and goals every day, but for a lot of people, it’s not something they want to focus on.”
She said that their clients could take on as much or as little of their advice as they wanted. “They may not take on all of the recommendations today, but we continue to meet our clients regularly and re assess their situations.”
“We give people the recommendations, based on our modelling and expertise, but they can say, ‘No, I don’t like that,’ or ‘No, I can’t afford that at the moment’. We hope to make your financial decisions easier by helping you figure out what feels right for you. You’re always in control.”
Getting to know their clients as individuals is a key part of their ability to provide an effective tailored service.
Castle Trust also utilises a team approach, collectively discussing issues to find their way to the best outcome for everyone who comes through the door of their Motueka and Richmond offices.
This way, every customer benefits from the combined decades of professional expertise, life experiences and even the team’s own unique financial personalities.
The staff are paid by salary, not commission, so they are truly working to find the products that are the best fit for their customers.
“It never comes down to who pays you the most, ever,” says Anna-May emphatically. “It comes down to what’s best for the client.”
And this sentiment sums up Castle Trust Financial Planning nicely. Despite the differences that each member brings to the team, they are steadfast and united in their goal of helping every one of their customers get financially sorted.
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