When you take out a life, health or income insurance policy, you’re counting on it being there for you when you need it. But mistakes can mean you don’t have the cover you expect. Here are three of them.
When you’re applying for a new insurance policy, the more information you can give us and the insurance company, the better. That’s why we take so much time and trouble filling in the application forms!
It’s tempting to go for the cheapest insurance policy. But you may find this backfires if it doesn’t give you the insurance cover you need. That’s why we use special software to compare the small print (as well as the price) from different insurance companies.
An insurance policy document can be an intimidating piece of information. While efforts are being made by insurers to make them easier to understand, many people don’t actually know what their insurance wording says. Ask us – that’s what we’re here for.
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