Health insurance is a big decision, especially as premiums rise with age. But when health issues hit, like needing major surgery, coverage can be a game-changer.
A client needed a hysterectomy. She was stuck on a public waiting list, suffering from debilitating symptoms, losing income, and relying on an overstretched hospital system. With private health insurance, she got the hysterectomy surgery ($18,000) within weeks instead of waiting months—or even years.
Now, fast forward: What if you needed cataract surgery ($3,500) and then a hip replacement ($25,000)? That’s another huge financial hit—and the list could go on. We hope you never have to claim on your insurance and that it ends up feeling like a waste of money (we joke about this here).
The reality is, statistics show claims are made, and health insurance can be a game-changer—not just for your physical health, but for your financial well-being too. Being off work or working reduced hours or retiring early because of health, impacts on your overall financial position.
Invest in your future. Let’s talk about how health insurance can work for you.
*estimated costs in NZ applied for illustrative purposes only.
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