Financial planning resources

We understand that managing your finances, insurances and mortgage can be challenging, and that’s why we regularly share our knowledge to help get your started on your financial planning journey.
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You can’t take it with you…

Any money left when you die is money that could have been spent on travel, a more comfortable retirement or given away so that someone could say “thank you” personally. If most of it has...

KiwiSaver myths busted

Myth Busted: You don’t need to be employed to have KiwiSaver! One of the most common questions we hear from new clients about KiwiSavers—whether they’re stay-at-home parents, recently made redundant, or job-seekers—is this: “Can I...

Why choose us?

We’re advisers, not salespeople At Castle Trust, we do things a little differently. In the Nelson/Tasman region, most advisers are paid through commissions or bonuses, but we’ve chosen a different path. Our advisers earn a...

Scary AI voice scams

Protecting you from the latest AI scam that imitates voices At Castle Trust Financial Planning, your safety and security are always our top priority. Recently, a new type of scam has emerged, where criminals use...

Unlock your first home with Castle Trust

Buying your first home is an exciting step, but it can also feel overwhelming—especially when it comes to navigating the mortgage process. Many first-time buyers are met with challenges, from complicated paperwork to declined applications,...

How much can you borrow?

The amount you can borrow for a home depends on two main factors: how much you can afford to repay based on your current income, and the lender’s evaluation of how much they are willing...

We’re hiring!

We’re looking for a new Client Support person to join our team!  – This position is now filled. We had almost 100 people apply to join our team and we appreciate the time and effort...

Your better financial future starts here

Your better financial future starts with a conversation with one of our financial experts. We offer 30 minutes free consultations to help give you peace of mind that we can help you where you need it most.
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