Financial planning resources

We understand that managing your finances, insurances and mortgage can be challenging, and that’s why we regularly share our knowledge to help get your started on your financial planning journey.
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COVID-19 and personal insurance

At the time of writing, there are no blanket exclusions for COVID-19 or any other pandemic in life, trauma or income protection policies in the insurance companies we use. Any claim arising from COVID-19 would...

What are the BIG insurance mistakes?

When you take out a life, health or income insurance policy, you’re counting on it being there for you when you need it. But mistakes can mean you don’t have the cover you expect. Here...

Claiming on your insurance

Insurance is one of the few things in life that you hope you will never really have to use. But every year, thousands of New Zealanders do call on insurers when they hit a crisis,...

Like a big fat trout

Throughout history, people have been sucked into investments offering higher rates. “You rose like a big fat trout”. That’s what Glyn’s father used to say when he teased me into reacting to one of his...

Insurance through life

In New Zealand, insurance has a role to play in most stages of our lives. What we need when we’re young can be quite different to what’s required as we get older. Here’s a rough...

Safe as money in the bank?

Is money in the bank actually that safe? Did you know that banks play musical chairs with 1 chair and 12 players? They lend out approximately 12 times the amount of money that they have...

Getting paid for cancer

Everyone knows how life insurance works but do you know how trauma insurance works? Life insurance pays out if you die. But what happens if you get cancer and you don’t die? Lots of cancers...

Rich Widows

It’s sad giving advice to rich widows. Year after year it goes on. Different client. Same story. They’ve retired, downsized, cashed up and have been sent to us for advice on how to invest and...

Your better financial future starts here

Your better financial future starts with a conversation with one of our financial experts. We offer 30 minutes free consultations to help give you peace of mind that we can help you where you need it most.
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Richmond office: 278 Queen Street, Next to the Library
Phone: 03 544 1428
Motueka office: 217 High Street, Opposite Elevations
Phone: 03 528 4184
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